WeBotApp Academy

Hello everyone, welcome to Webotape Academy.
In this blog, we shall discuss how to get your first hundred customers from Google for free.
So in order to learn the method of getting the first hundred customers or first customers from Google we need to understand what Google really is, how can we list our business on Google, how to advertise our products or services on Google, and how to dominate our competitors on Google. So what Google is? Google is a search engine where you can find information related to anything with a click of a mouse. So how can Google able to do this type of searches and show you the best result? So in the backend, Google indexes all the information published by various websites on your database. And whenever a user search for a particular query on their search box or search engine, Google finds the best result according to its algorithm and display the best possible result to the user on their search result. So for example, if you are from Guwahati and you search about the best restaurants in Guwahati, you will be able to see the various results on Google’s search engine or search page and all those results are totally dependent on the number of reviews of that listing or of that restaurant, then the information how much information is published by that restaurant, what the services and products or what are the products or dishes offered by those restaurants and how many times the listing gets updated by the restaurant owner all these factors are being considered while displaying the result on your search result page. So we shall discuss more about it in the later section of this video. So why should you list your business on Google? Every day, a large number of customers use Google search engines just to inquire about products or services they are interested to buy. So, we people are already so habituated to Google nowadays, like if we are suffering from a simple cough or cold, instead of calling the doctor, we just search for the information on Google. So this may be also called a trend. So once your business information is available on Google, your customers will be able to find you online and connect with you. So in the third step, the more customer gets connected with you, the more is your chances of getting a good number of sales. So this is the primary reason why you should list your business on Google. Or what are the steps to list your business on Google? So this is a pretty simple way. You can do it all by yourself without spending a single fee or a single penny. To do this step, all you have to do is to visit business.google.com. You can open your smartphone or your laptop or your PC and type the URL business.google.com. Click on the sign-in button. Fill up the work profile. A simple form will appear on your screen and all you have to do is to fill up the form with the name of your business, category of your business, your business address, number, phone number, and a few photographs then your products or services all those information can be filled and after you complete filling up the form you should click on the submit button and after that a physical postcard will arrive at your location within like 7 to 14 days based on your PIN code and Once you get the postcard you can verify your listing on Google, so this is as simple as ABC and once your business gets verified on Google you can upload more and more number of photos or videos update your products and services and also ask your friends, your family members and your customers to give you more and more good reviews. This will help you to get a boost on Google’s search indexing page. So if you are very confused with all this information or if you are a no sound with technical, then you can also contact us for helping you in listing your business on Google’s search results. Alright, so after you do all the above steps or all the steps which we have discussed previously, your business will be available on Google. So now it’s your turn to get more number of inquiries from Google. But unfortunately, newly registered businesses will not be available on top of Google search results. I mean to say that if you search for the best restaurants in Guwahati, you won’t be able to see your newly registered business listing on the first page or first tamed listings or in the first page. So what do you have to do? Okay, and the next important thing is your customers won’t go for the second or the third page. Whatever they see on the first page or the first three to four, like one, two, three, four, like three to four results, they will contact those restaurants or those businesses, but they don’t usually go for the second or the third page. So if you want to come up on the first page of Google in your business category. So in this stage, you have to work a little hard and but the steps are quite simple. The first thing which you need to do is to update your Google listing more frequently with useful content. You can write offers, you can write more information about your business, about your products, and how do you prepare your products or you can also post some videos and some images the more frequently you update your Google listing page, Google will think that you are very active or you are a very active business owner and thus Google will start indexing your page to the top position of the search result. In my case I personally I have personally updated my business page 2-3 times a week and my business is available in the second position of Google search results. You can search website design in Guwahati and you will be able to see my business listing on the second or some time on the third position of the Google search page. And moreover, if you search about website designing in India you will be able to see my business in the 7th position of the Google search results. So this is a very big achievement which we have got just by doing a few simple steps which I am explaining to you on this page. So once you form the habit of updating the Google listing page frequently at regular intervals of time. The next step is to ask your customers, your friends, and your family members to give you more positive reviews. Reviews will help you to gain the trust of the new customers and they will also help you to get a boost on Google’s indexing page. Third but not least, and this is one of the most important steps that most of us don’t follow. And in this step, we have to design a professionally built website for our business where we can display all the services which we offer to our clients or all the products which we and all the products which we can sell to our clients. How do we do our work? What is our business profile, where are we located, and all the useful information which you want to share with your business. You can list all the information in the most organized way on your own website and link that website to your Google listing page and it will give you more score for your business to get a good rank on Google search results. Once you have completed all the steps which we have discussed in the previous slides, now it’s time for you to just sit and relax.
But don’t forget to be consistent while updating your Google listing. Your first 100 customers will contact you within the first three to six months so this is a reward for you for free. So if you are not satisfied with 100 inquiries within the first three to six months or if you want more than 100 inquiries within the first three to six months all you can do is to advertise your business on Google. You can do this simply by creating a Google ad account and this ad account is like a prepaid mobile researching system. You can research your Google ad account with a minimum of 500 rupees and every time someone And every time someone clicks on your ad you will be charged 10 to 20 rupees based on the business category and the location where you are situated. You can set a daily budget according to your financial or your advertisement policy and like if you set a budget of 250 or 300 rupees per day and once your budget gets adjusted for a particular day your ad will disappear on that day and again on the next day it will get appeared on the Google search result. So, if you are paying Google a small amount of fee they will place your ad on top of the search result and on top of your competitors so this gives you an extra added benefit to stay ahead of your competitor. So, if you want some professional help regarding Google advertisements you can contact us.