
6 Easy Steps To Launch Flutter App in IOS App Store

How to Launch Flutter App in IOS App Store

launch flutter app in ios app store
  1. Update pubspec.yaml: Make sure your app’s version number is set correctly.
  2. Run flutter build ios: Build your app for release mode

    flutter build ios --release

2. Configure Xcode for Deployment

  1. Open iOS Project in Xcode:
    open ios/Runner.xcworkspace
  2. Set the Deployment Info:
    • Select the project in the Project Navigator.
    • Under the “General” tab, set the correct iOS Deployment Target.
  3. Add App Icons:
    • Ensure you have the correct icons in ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets.
  4. Update Bundle Identifier:
    • Under the “General” tab, set a unique Bundle Identifier.
  5. Signing & Capabilities:
    • Enable Automatic Signing.
    • Ensure your Apple Developer account is selected.
  6. Build Settings:
    • Ensure “Release” is selected in the “Scheme”.

3. Create a New App in App Store Connect

  1. Log in to App Store Connect.
  2. Create a New App:
    • Go to “My Apps” and click the “+” button.
    • Enter the app name, primary language, bundle ID, and SKU.
    • Choose a user access level.

4. Archive and Upload Your App Using Xcode

  1. Archive Your App:
    • In Xcode, select “Product” -> “Archive”.
  2. Validate and Upload:
    • Once the archive is created, the Organizer window will appear.
    • Select the archive and click “Distribute App”.
    • Choose “App Store Connect” -> “Upload”.
    • Follow the prompts to validate and upload your app.

5. Complete App Store Connect Metadata and Submit for Review

  1. Enter App Information:
    • Complete the required information such as description, keywords, support URL, and marketing URL.
  2. Add Screenshots:
    • Upload screenshots for all required device sizes.
  3. Submit for Review:
    • After filling in all required information, click “Submit for Review”.

6. App Review and Release

  • App Review Process: Your app will go through the App Store review process. You might be required to provide additional information or fix issues if any are found.
  • Release: Once approved, you can release your app immediately or schedule it for a later date.

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